The Hidden Epidemic: Periodontitis and its Impact on Oral Health

Did you know that there is a hidden epidemic affecting millions of people around the world? It’s called periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. Periodontitis can have a significant impact on your oral health, leading to tooth loss, chronic pain, and even affecting your overall well-being. In fact, studies have shown that periodontitis has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other systemic conditions. So why is this epidemic hidden? One reason is that the symptoms of periodontitis are often subtle and easily dismissed. Another reason is that many people simply underestimate the importance of good oral hygiene. But the truth is, periodontitis is a serious condition that requires immediate attention. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and consequences of periodontitis, and provide you with essential tips to prevent and treat this hidden epidemic. Get ready to take control of your oral health and protect yourself from the silent killer that is periodontitis.

Causes and Risk Factors of Periodontitis

Periodontitis is primarily caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth throughout the day. If not removed regularly through proper oral hygiene practices, plaque hardens into tartar, which can only be removed by a dental professional. The bacteria in plaque and tartar release toxins that irritate the gums, leading to inflammation and infection. Over time, this infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and bone, causing the gums to recede and the teeth to become loose.

Several risk factors contribute to the development of periodontitis. Poor oral hygiene is the leading cause, as it allows plaque and tartar to accumulate. Smoking and tobacco use also increase the risk of periodontitis, as they reduce blood flow to the gums and impair the body’s ability to heal. Other risk factors include genetics, hormonal changes (such as during pregnancy or menopause), certain medications that reduce saliva production, and underlying health conditions such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders. It’s important to be aware of these risk factors and take appropriate measures to prevent periodontitis.

Signs and Symptoms of Periodontitis

One of the reasons why periodontitis often goes unnoticed is that its symptoms can be subtle and easily dismissed. However, if you experience any of the following signs, it’s crucial to seek dental attention as soon as possible:

1. Bleeding gums: Healthy gums should not bleed during brushing or flossing. If you notice blood on your toothbrush or dental floss, it could be a sign of gum disease.

2. Swollen or red gums: Inflamed gums are a common symptom of periodontitis. They may appear puffy, tender, and have a reddish hue.

3. Gum recession: As periodontitis progresses, the gums may start to recede, exposing the tooth roots. This can lead to tooth sensitivity and an elongated appearance of the teeth.

4. Persistent bad breath: Bad breath that doesn’t go away even after brushing, flossing, or using mouthwash could be a sign of periodontitis. The odor is caused by the bacteria present in the infected gums.

5. Pus between the teeth and gums: In advanced stages of periodontitis, pockets of bacteria-filled pus may develop between the teeth and gums. This is a clear indication of a severe infection.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to visit your dentist for a thorough examination and diagnosis.

The Link Between Periodontitis and Oral Health

Periodontitis is not just a problem confined to the mouth; it can have far-reaching effects on your overall health as well. Research has shown a strong association between periodontitis and various systemic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory diseases. The exact mechanisms behind these connections are still being studied, but it is believed that the inflammation caused by periodontitis can contribute to the development or worsening of these conditions.

For example, the bacteria present in the infected gums can enter the bloodstream and trigger an inflammatory response throughout the body. This systemic inflammation can potentially damage blood vessels, leading to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Similarly, the chronic inflammation associated with periodontitis can affect insulin resistance and blood sugar control, making it harder to manage diabetes. Additionally, the bacteria in the mouth can be inhaled into the lungs, triggering or exacerbating respiratory conditions such as pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

It’s clear that periodontitis is more than just a dental issue; it’s a systemic problem that requires attention and treatment to safeguard your overall health.

Complications and Long-Term Effects of Periodontitis

If left untreated, periodontitis can have severe complications and long-term effects on your oral health. The infection can destroy the gum tissue and the bone that supports the teeth, leading to tooth loss. In fact, periodontitis is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. Once the teeth are lost, it can have a significant impact on your ability to chew and speak properly, as well as your self-confidence and quality of life.

Moreover, the bacteria present in the infected gums can enter the bloodstream and spread to other parts of the body, increasing the risk of systemic diseases as mentioned earlier. The chronic inflammation associated with periodontitis can also contribute to the development of rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, and certain cancers.

It’s crucial to understand that periodontitis is not a condition that will resolve on its own. Without proper treatment, the infection will continue to progress and cause irreversible damage. That’s why early detection and intervention are key to preventing the complications and long-term effects of periodontitis.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Periodontitis

If you suspect that you have periodontitis, it’s vital to seek professional dental care for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. Your dentist or periodontist will perform a comprehensive examination, which may include the following:

1. Clinical assessment: Your dentist will visually examine your gums, looking for signs of inflammation, recession, and pocket formation.

2. Probing: Using a small measuring instrument called a probe, your dentist will measure the depth of the spaces between your gums and teeth. Deeper pockets indicate more severe gum disease.

3. X-rays: X-rays can reveal the extent of bone loss and help determine the severity of periodontitis.

4. Bacterial testing: In some cases, your dentist may perform a bacterial test to identify the specific bacteria causing the infection. This information can help guide the treatment plan.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, your dentist will recommend a suitable treatment approach. The goal of periodontal treatment is to control the infection, halt the progression of the disease, and restore gum and bone health. The specific treatment options will depend on the severity of the periodontitis, but they may include:

1. Scaling and root planning: This is a deep cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and the roots below the gumline. It helps to smooth the root surfaces, making it harder for bacteria to adhere and allowing the gums to reattach to the teeth.

2. Antibiotics: In some cases, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to help control the infection. They can be taken orally or applied directly to the infected pockets.

3. Surgical interventions: Advanced periodontitis may require surgical procedures to remove infected tissue, reshape the gums, or regenerate lost bone. These procedures aim to restore the health and function of the gums and supporting structures.

Your dentist will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. It’s important to follow their instructions and attend regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

Prevention and Home Care Tips for Maintaining Oral Health

Prevention is always better than treatment when it comes to periodontitis. By adopting good oral hygiene practices and making healthy lifestyle choices, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing this hidden epidemic. Here are some essential tips for maintaining optimal oral health:

1. Brush your teeth twice a day: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth thoroughly for at least two minutes each time. Pay attention to all surfaces of the teeth and the gumline.

2. Floss daily: Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and along the gumline, where a toothbrush cannot reach. Be gentle and use a proper flossing technique to avoid injuring the gums.

3. Use mouthwash: Rinse your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash after brushing and flossing to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Look for mouthwashes that are specifically formulated for gum health.

4. Eat a balanced diet: A nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can support healthy gums and teeth. Limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods, as they can contribute to plaque formation and tooth decay.

5. Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol consumption: Smoking and tobacco use significantly increase the risk of periodontitis and other oral health problems. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption can irritate the gums and contribute to gum disease.

6. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps promote saliva production, which is essential for maintaining a healthy oral environment and washing away bacteria and food debris.

7. Manage stress: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system and make you more susceptible to infections, including periodontitis. Practice stress management techniques such as exercise, meditation, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps to prevent periodontitis and maintain optimal oral health.

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups and Professional Cleanings

While practicing good oral hygiene at home is vital, it’s equally important to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings. Dental check-ups allow your dentist to monitor your oral health, detect any signs of periodontitis or other dental issues early on, and provide appropriate treatment. They typically include a thorough examination, X-rays if necessary, and a discussion of your oral hygiene routine.

Professional cleanings, performed by a dental hygienist, are essential for removing plaque and tartar buildup that cannot be eliminated through home care alone. Even with diligent brushing and flossing, some areas of the mouth are difficult to clean effectively, especially below the gumline. Dental cleanings involve scaling and polishing the teeth to remove all traces of plaque and tartar, leaving your mouth feeling fresh and clean.

The frequency of dental check-ups and cleanings may vary depending on your oral health needs and risk factors. In general, it’s recommended to visit your dentist at least twice a year. However, your dentist may recommend more frequent visits if you have a history of gum disease or other oral health issues.

Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to maintaining optimal oral health and preventing the hidden epidemic of periodontitis.

The Role of Nutrition in Preventing and Managing Periodontitis

In addition to practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly, nutrition plays a crucial role in preventing and managing periodontitis. A well-balanced diet can provide the necessary nutrients to support healthy gums and teeth, while certain foods have specific benefits for oral health. Here are some key nutrients and foods to include in your diet:

1. Vitamin C: This vitamin is essential for collagen production, which helps maintain the integrity of the gums. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, and broccoli are excellent sources of vitamin C.

2. Calcium: Calcium is crucial for strong teeth and bones. Dairy products, leafy greens, almonds, and fortified plant-based milk alternatives are rich in calcium.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids: These healthy fats have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce gum inflammation. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Green tea: Green tea contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and fight bacteria in the mouth. It’s a healthier alternative to sugary beverages and can contribute to better oral health.

5. Crunchy fruits and vegetables: Apples, carrots, celery, and other crunchy fruits and vegetables help stimulate saliva production and promote a natural cleaning action on the teeth. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals for overall health.

While a nutritious diet can support oral health, it’s important to note that it cannot replace proper oral hygiene practices or professional dental care. Good nutrition should be combined with other preventive measures for the best results.

Taking Control of Your Oral Health and Preventing Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a hidden epidemic that affects millions of people worldwide. Its impact on oral health can be devastating, leading to tooth loss, chronic pain, and systemic health complications. However, with proper awareness, prevention, and treatment, you can take control of your oral health and protect yourself from the silent killer that is periodontitis.

By understanding the causes and risk factors of periodontitis, recognizing its signs and symptoms, and acknowledging its link to overall health, you can be proactive in preventing its onset. Practicing good oral hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and making healthy lifestyle choices are essential steps in maintaining optimal oral health and preventing periodontitis.

Remember, prevention is always better than treatment. By adopting a nutritious diet, managing stress, and quitting tobacco, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing periodontitis and other oral health problems.

Don’t let periodontitis remain hidden. Take charge of your oral health today and enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles.

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Implantology is the branch of dentistry dedicated to dental implants. The dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is inserted into the jawbone (either the maxilla or the mandible). It often takes the form of a screw that is composed of titanium or titanium alloy.

2 Main Parts for this Department:


The area of dentistry concerned with correcting problems or damage to the mouth, teeth, and jaw.


Dental implants are often required to replace any missing teeth. A dental implant is a small titanium screw that can be used to secure a replacement tooth.


 Oral Surgery is commonly performed to remove wisdom teeth, prepare the mouth for dentures, and repair jaw problems.

Oral Surgeons may also perform more advanced procedures as required after trauma or severe disease damages in the structure of the mouth.



Dental implants are anchored in the jaw bone, and replacement teeth are permanently secured upon them.

The clinic offers conventional implants, which are placed under the gums for 3 to 6 months. After then, the implants are exposed by removing gum tissue, and teeth are placed.

To maximize the benefits of implants, Dental World can perform bone augmentation or sinus lifting. This way, our experienced dentists can create a stable platform where dental implants are fitted.

Team of Professionals:

د. خالد مصطفى علي

Medical Director / Dentist
20+ Years Experience in the Field

د. سنهال أمبركار

اخصائي امراض اللثة



A winning smile is best complemented by straight, beautiful teeth. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in this by overseeing the diagnosis, supervision, guidance, and correction of problems involving the alignment of the teeth and jaws. The most common type of orthodontic treatment is the application of braces and retainers. SDOC dentists are experts in the professional application and alignment of these corrective items to help the patient’s teeth, lips, and jaws achieve facial balance.

The most common type of orthodontic treatment

تقويم الأسنان

Dental braces are devices used in orthodontics that align and straighten teeth and help position them.


A teeth retainer is a custom-made device you wear in your mouth over your teeth.

Gold Braces

SDOC dentists are experts in the professional application and alignment of these corrective items to help the patient’s teeth, lips, and jaws achieve facial balance.
Gold Braces If you want to really stand out with style, gold braces might be the choice for you. Made from high-grade stainless steel and plated in gold, these braces can add a bit of sophistication to your orthodontic treatment. The gold color of the brackets is slightly darker than the silver, so it blends in better with your teeth and is not necessarily as noticeable as silver brackets.

Silver and Gold Braces

There is no real difference between silver and gold braces other than the color. It’s up to you to decide what aesthetic option appeals to you the most and what color you’d rather be showing off. You can still add different colored bands to the brackets to hold the wire in place for more personalization.
Invisalign aligners are the clear alternative to metal braces for adults and teens. These clear aligners are the virtually invisible way to improve your smile.


Aligners are the clear alternative to metal braces for adults and teens. These clear aligners are the virtually invisible way to improve your smile.

Team of Professionals:

د. أبهيشيك باراشار

خبرة أكثر من 13 سنة

د. أميرة الموسالي

خبرة أكثر من 12 سنة


Helping You Feel Comfortable In The Dentist’s Chair

In the event that the pulp becomes inflamed or infected because of either deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth, an endodontic treatment has to be performed. If left untreated, pulp inflammation can result in abscess.

To understand this procedure, it helps to know about the anatomy of the tooth.

A soft tissue known as the pulp is found under the white enamel and a hard layer that is our dentin

The pulp becomes unnecessary once the tooth is fully developed as the tooth is nourished by the surrounding tissue.

It contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue that help in the root growth of your tooth during development

Helping You Feel Comfortable In The Dentist’s Chair

For some people a visit to the dentist leads to severe anxiety. We understand that people become nervous and we have taken steps to ensure that patients feel comfortable and safe.
If fear of the dentist is preventing you from coming in for your regular checkup or an issue that has been bothering you, please speak to us about sedation dentistry.



Periodontology is a specialized field of dentistry, related to any structure around the teeth: bone, gingiva, nerves, and sinuses. This includes dental implant placement, gum disease treatment, and much more.

Gum disease treatment

If your mouth is healthy, we can help you keep it that way. However, it is never too late to restore oral health

When combined with improved nutrition, more effective at-home hygiene, and other therapeutic techniques, the infection can often be eliminated.

We take a comprehensive approach to fighting gum disease. Scaling and root planing, also known as deep cleaning, is one of the best non-surgical treatments available

Even in the worst cases, when the natural teeth cannot be saved, there are a number of restorative treatments available – from bone grafting to dental implants

Laser Gum Depigmentation:

Laser Gum Depigmentation also known as “Gum bleaching” is a cosmetic procedure to easily remove the brown or black patches that often occur naturally on gum tissue. The treatment is quick, pain-free, and will leave you with healthy, pink gums.

Dark Gums

The condition called gingival hyper-pigmentation or “dark gums” is caused by melanin in the surface of the gum tissue. It can affect people of all races and ethnicities, though it’s more common in people with darker skin. The dark patches are usually natural, though smoking, systemic illnesses, and taking certain medications can also contribute to the condition.

Team of Professionals:

د. سنهال أمبركار

اخصائي امراض اللثة



Our dental team understands the importance of finding a dental team that is family-friendly and accommodating for parents. It is important to us that your child receives proper oral health care and starts off on the right foot! We make it our priority to make your child feel comfortable with their treatments and have a fun experience.

We have experience with kids and teens of all ages!
Services that we offer for kids include:

Preventative hygiene

Habit breaking appliances and techniques, such as thumb sucking.

Dental sealants

Early preventative orthodontic treatments

Flouride Application



At SPECIALIZED DENTAL AND ORTHODONTIC CENTER, not only provides care for conditions that affect dental health, we also offers a wide variety of cosmetic dental services designed to improve each patient’s unique smile.

Our cosmetic dentistry is professional!

Whether you are looking to fix minor flaws in a tooth or are searching for solutions to wide-ranging issues, our cosmetic dentistry treatments can help you achieve your individual goals.

Lightening or whitening teeth

Straightening teeth

Replacing missing teeth

Reshaping teeth

Repairing damaged teeth

Who Benefits From Cosmetic Procedures?

The people who benefit the most from cosmetic dentistry are those who have:

Stained teeth

Spaces in between the teeth

Missing teeth

Misaligned teeth

Team of Professionals:

د. خالد مصطفى علي

Medical Director / Dentist
20+ Years Experience in the Field



General Dentistry in Abu Dhabi It is very important that you have a general dentist you like and trust. Taking care of your mouth and teeth is just as important as taking care of your heart and general health.

What is General Dentistry?

General dentists are the main dental care providers to people of all ages. They provide routine checkups, examinations, and cleanings.

Their services are geared toward cleaning, restoration, and disease prevention. Depending on your mouth’s condition, they may refer you to a specialist.

How is a General Dentist Different From a Specialist?

Unlike specialists, who focus on one specific area of dentistry, general dentists offer a wide range of treatments and procedures. They also treat patients of all ages. General dentists offer preventive and restorative services, such as:
  • X-rays
  • Teeth cleanings
  • Cavity fillings
  • Sealants