Gums Treatment

Gum Treatment - Best Periodontist in Abu Dhabi

Gum Disease or periodontal diseases are infections that influence the tissues surrounding the roots of the teeth. Periodontist is the most common oral sickness influencing practically 90% of population and a main source of tooth loss among adults.

Gum sickness is an exceptionally SNEAKY DISEASE!! You can have gum illness, when you are not aware of the problem. For that reason you must have a thorough gum disease examination.

Are you facing the below problems?

  • Swollen Gums or Bleeding Gums
  • Bad breath
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Loosening of permanent teeth
  • Unappetizing taste in the mouth
  • Icthy gums
  • Tooth Ache (not related tooth decay)

What is gum disease treatment?

Periodontitis is a dynamic provocative infection of the gums and the surrounding the tissues around the teeth. An expected 80% of the people over the age of 40years experiences Gum infection. It is the main cause of tooth loss after the age of 40. Most adults with periodontal sickness are unaware they have it. Whenever analyzed early and treated, a part of harm can be stopped and the teeth can be saved.

Periodontitis Non-Surgical Treatments: