What is orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontic treatment is an approach to fixing or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. It can also assist with long-term health of your teeth, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the jaw joints over all your teeth.
Why should one have orthodontic treatment?
Many individuals have crowded or crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatment will fix the teeth or move them into a better position. This can work on their appearance and the manner in which the teeth bite together, while likewise making them easier to clean.
Certain people have upper front teeth that stick out and look unattractive. These ‘unmistakable’ teeth are bound to be harmed, however orthodontic treatment can move them back into line. Or on the other hand the manner in which the upper and lower jaws meet can make teeth look unattractive and lead to an inaccurate bite. Orthodontic treatment might have the option to address both of these problems.
Whenever the teeth don’t meet correctly, this can strain the muscles of the jaw, causing jaw and joint issues and sometimes headaches. Orthodontic treatment can help you to bite easily and reduce the strain.
Ceramic Braces
- They’re less noticeable than metal braces.
- The ceramic material utilized in these braces can be either clear or tooth-colored.
- They move teeth quicker than clear aligners (Invisalign).
- Ceramic braces take around 18 months to three years to fix your teeth.
- Well known clear-alignment methods, like Invisalign, can require a year or longer to work, regardless of whether your teeth require a lot of movement.
- Additionally, clear-alignment strategies don’t work for severe misalignment or malocclusion.
- You can pick your colors. Metal braces just come in one color: dim (or sparkly metallic silver, assuming it’s accessible). Ceramic braces are accessible in almost any color.
- Ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces.
- They are larger than metal braces.
- This makes it difficult to clean the teeth, which will lead to swollen gums.
- They can break easily.
- The elastic wire holding the brackets can also get stained easily.
Lingual Braces
- Lingual braces are practically invisible.
- They successfully correct most bite problems.
- They can be modified to increase your comfort and maximize their efficiency
- Lingual braces are more costly than other types of braces.
- They can cause significant discomfort, particularly at the start of the treatment.
- They might take more time than traditional braces.